FIC Health Examination Activity of Employees

It has been 40 years since founding of FIC (First International Computer), and it is always being a successful way of supporting one and other from teamwork cooperation; hence, employees are extremely significant assets to the enterprise, and employee health care is the primary responsibility for the group. To this end, on November 12, FIC arranged a series of physical examination activities for all employees, so that employees could better understand their own health conditions and reach the health care management concept of “prevention is better than treatment”.

Due to the busy work and less exercise for people nowadays, many young people have found and suffered from the problem of Three-Highs (High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar and Cholesterol) for a long time. The FIC planned to provide health examination series for the employees, especially on the metabolic syndrome project. In this project, waist circumference measurement, BMI (height and body mass index) evaluation, blood fat and other examinations are included in the physical examination service.

In addition, liver disease has always been the biggest health concern for Taiwanese people; therefore, in this year, we’ve also conducted ultrasound diagnosis on liver function, fatty liver and hepatitis B / C, so that colleagues could feel that the company really cares about their comprehensive health life.

The on-site health examination provided by C.H.S Hospital is very comprehensive and perfect. Employees can enjoy professional medical diagnosis and health examination service in the comfortable environment arranged by the company without any special inspection process in the hospital. In the future, FIC will continue to actively build a high-quality working environment, so that colleagues can enjoy more comfortable and better welfare, and live on a healthier and happier life.